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Band Argument - Love the Dang Horse

-Exclusive Single Premier-

"Love the Dang Horse" is a warm and bubbly math pop tune full of bright tones and stop start riffs. The melodic nature of the vocals brings memories of not only 70's psychedelic rock but also Beach Boys vibes. Synth noise like steel pan drums come along and bring glitchy whistling sounds to make way for a cabasa to close the show.

Listening to this song is akin to looking into a kaleidoscope on the warmest of summer days, while spinning in a merry-go-round, full of sugary soda and nothing to worry about in the world. I can see why they love the dang horse so much.

Band Argument is neither here nor there, taking components of polarizing aesthetics and palettes and smashing them together to produce unexpected results. With the use of triggers, sample pads and MIDI pickups, Band Argument is able to usher in a new type of psychedelic music fit for today's generation already accustomed to virtual reality and self-driving cars. Stuttering didgeridoos, augmented train whistles, shattering glass SFX and synthetic slap bass are just a few of the elements that Band Argument presents through their maximalist approach to tonality. However, despite their avidity for tech, Band Argument still employ elements of raw instrumentation and presentation in their songs, influenced by their San Diego DIY upbringing.

-M Chan


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