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In Fallow - /Fallow

- New Album Premiere -

Newly formed Swiss/French band "In Fallow" emerge with a beautiful first album made up of gentle folk tunes, meandering post rock jams and twinkly math rock.

"In Fallow" begins with a slow hammer-on riff and evolves into a sky sprawling distorted jet cruise into the air. A moment of reflection pauses the action with birds chirping and a repetitive synth swell in the background. This slow buildup pays off with a blisterin' distorted riff that could be easily mistaken for one of rage against the machines "more gentle riffs."

"Just A Bunch Of Friends In A Garden Chalet"

is an impressive arrangement to say the least. Starting off with a tapping guitar riff and turning into a harmonic plucked riff alongside palm muted diminished pop chords weaving into a more twinkly riff complete with drum fills and background gang vocals, this tune is a sure banger. If the vocals were louder in the mix, this would be a belt out loud sing-along tune for sure.

"Indian Trading Post"

I love songs with banjo, that will always be true. The folky banjo in this song reminds me of Sufjan Stevens because of it's poignant and appropriate placement in the album. This song is just an interlude but a great one, and acts as an "ear palate cleanser."

"Quiet Place" is one of the only few songs here with loud and clear vocals. I am glad to hear this song on this album, as it differs greatly from the others. This song features mostly French lyrics, but there are a few lines in English. This jam is truly beautiful. The solo guitar lines are expertly syncopated and reminiscent of American Football. I could see this being a radio hit.

"Keep Writing" is perhaps my favorite song on the album, it begins how any Weezer song on the blue album might begin and then after the long delayed feedback squeals desist it turns into a stop/start frenzied adventure into subdued mayhem. Like clockwork the guitar riff acts as a metronome, inviting snare rim tapping from the percussionist as smooth as any good math rock song would display.

More impromptu guitar noodling with a downtrodden and de-tuned quality captivates in a stoner rock setting. A quaint volume knob twisting effect gives the ending a wavering in and out motif to close things. This song also has a little tiny Elliott Smith feel to it in the beginning.

"Glitch" begins as a dancey tune inviting glitchiness into the picture as if to live out it's namesake. This could easily be played at any rave or dance party and make people shake their asses off.

"Chaumont" Back to the folky aspects of the band, this slightly dark tune begins beautifully and poised with a back and forth strumming and picking guitar line ascending atop the branches, prickly finger-picking alongside slides give this tune a very slight bluegrassy feeling but a progressive one nonetheless, "Classical Gas" comes to mind if I had to compare it to any boomer music. -M Chan


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