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Press Release:
Brighton, England based prog-rock band Poly-Math are pleased to announce an epic 13 minute long song "Sensors In Everything"
Filmed at Brighton Electric Studios by Jon Freeman, tracked by josh Gale and mixed by Mark Roberts, this new live session is a powerful reminder of just how potent a force the band is becoming, where their experimental writing always proves to push boundaries.
This new song also reveals a couple new members those being Josh Gesner on keyboards and synths and Chris Olsen (Death and the Penguin) on Saxophone.
"Sensors In Everything" follows Poly-Math's usual form of writing around historical events and movements influenced by real polymaths, this time shining the spotlight on polymath Gerald Heard and his pursuit of the evolution of consciousness.
A British born American historian, science writer, public lecturer, educator, and philosopher, the track includes fragments of his thought on psychedelic drugs and the limitations on the human perception of reality.
This track marks the first of an ambitious two part release with the quartet recording for the first time with Brighton producer Mark Roberts (Delta Sleep, The Physics House Band) whose influence has led to a more aggressive sound than before.
Beginning with a thrashy dark jazz sound, this continues without the trash while adding in a walking bass line and as the guitars become much less intrusive, back to thrash for a couple of seconds as the band re asserts themselves again and again going back and forth from heavy to light sounding tunes a few times before moving on to the next part.
A simple drumming section in a 3 count, begins this new chapter of fuzzy guitar noodley tinkering heavy with delay as the saxophone comes in slowly and melts everything like butter like a tripped out mariachi troupe on acid.
Back to the thrashy dooming sound for a brief spell intermittent whirs of industrial mechanical sounds peek in and out between the heavier parts, this noodley-wankering solo that sounds like a computer gone haywire peeks in that makes me feel as if they know exactly what I want in a math rock solo. A wiry string synth brings some light in towards the end and shortly after wards i sense a strong similarity to this tune and most of the songs by one of my favorite bands "Dumb Waiter" In conclusion with everyone chiming in, the denouement of this jam is as a spiritual one as you can get from a youtube video with no words to be spoken.
-M. Chan
