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Ichika Nito
With over two million Youtube sbscribers Ichika Nito drops a new cut, The World Is Still Beautiful, which envelopes the listner in a...

Coevality -- The Best Band of All Possible Timelines and Geometrically Based Dimensions
Meet Spastics Ink's good brother aka non-evil twin. Light Bikes -- The album rips straight into nanigo/bembe 6:8 fusion that dances on...

Kirye - NETAMI
Tokyo, Japan's newest 5 piece math rock band
Kirye shares two singles ahead of their upcoming EP only on The Math Rock Times.

LITE - Multiple
Japan's LITE have just released a new album entitled "Multiple" Starting out with "Double" a start/stop motif ensues and I hear very...

Wazakana - Illusive EP
- New Ep Premier - Japan's Wazakana have just released their first record. Entitled "Illusive EP" this record somehow delivers a somber...
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